Frequently Asked Questions

Often times, parents, guardians and others have questions about Florissa as well as the services provided at the pediatric developmental center. Following are a list of frequently asked questions as well as their respective answers. Additional questions and answers will be added to this list periodically.

  1. Who do I contact if my child is under 3 years old? (Additional questions about Early Intervention Services are listed below)
    Families can contact their local Child and Families Connections office.
  2. Who do I contact if I’m interested in therapy or an evaluation for my child?
    Please contact Florissa (815-288-1905) and ask for Janet O’Donnell, Family Resource Coordinator.  She can guide you through the process.
  3. How long does it take to get an appointment?
    This will depend on a number of factors. The best course of action is to give Florissa a call (815-288-1905). Our staff will be able to explain approximate times based on your individual family needs.
  4. How long does the testing process take?
    The length of the testing process will vary and depend on the individual needs of the child.  Generally, most families are through the process in one to two months.
  5. What services do you provide?
    The service offering of Florissa includes Early Intervention, Screening, Assessment, Direct Therapies, Therapy Groups and Case consultation. For additional information about these services please call Florissa at (815) 288-1905.
  6. How do I find out about events at Florissa?
    An easy way to get notices about our events is to get on our email distribution list. We send out flyers with details of our events as well as other local events.  We encourage you to check our Calendar of Events and visit our Facebook page.   To be added to our e-mail distribution list please contact Janet O’Donnell at (815) 288-1905.

FAQS about Early Intervention Program

  1. What is the purpose of Early Intervention?
    To help children between the ages of birth to three with disabilities or delays, learn and grow
  2. Who can receive EI services?
    Families with an infant or toddler who is birth to three years old and qualifies for the program
  3. What services are offered in the Early Intervention Program through Florissa?
    • Developmental Therapy
    • Developmental Playgroups
    • Speech Therapy
    • Physical Therapy
    • Assistance in obtaining Assistive Technology
  4. How do I get started?
    Depending on which County you live in, you contact one of the Child and Family Connections office listed below to get started.  You will be linked with a Service Coordinator.  The Service Coordinator will arrange to have your child evaluated to determine if he/she is eligible for Early Intervention services.
  5. Who conducts the evaluation(s)?
    Staff in the Early Intervention program of Florissa are available to conduct the eligibility evaluations.  You may request an evaluation be done by one of the Early Intervention Professionals at Florissa, just let your Service Coordinator know.
  6. If my child is eligible for Early Intervention, what happens next?
    If your child is eligible for Early Intervention, then a meeting is held with you, your Service Coordinator and the Therapists that evaluated your child.  Options for services for your child are presented.  You decide at the meeting what services you would like your child to receive.  If you are interested in receiving services from the Early Intervention Professionals at Florissa, you can let your Service Coordinator know.
  7. One of the local resources that parents/families may be made aware of is one of the offices of Child and Family Connections (CFC). How do I get in contact with them?
    1-888-297-1041       CFC (Carroll, Lee, Whiteside, DeKalb and JoDaviess)
    1-800-921-0094      CFC (Ogle, Boone, Winnebago , Bureau, Marshall, Putnam)
P: (815) 288-1905 F: (815) 288-1935 | 144 North Court, Dixon, Illinois