CANCELLED EVENT — NASH – Ogle County Virtual Summer Camp



FREE Virtual Camp. Camp is for school age individuals living in Ogle County and is designed to support kids with autism or other developmental, social, emotional. intellectual or behavioral needs. Registration is limited. A minimum of 8 registrants is required to host the camp session.

Virtual sessions will be hosted by Florissa on ZOOM. Log in information will be provided to registered campers. Activities will be held daily, beginning Monday, July 13 thru Thursday, July 16, 2020 in the morning as a 45minute session between 9 AM and 11 AM. The number of sessions offered daily will be dependent upon the number and age of registered campers. Each camper may register for any or all sessions. Please call Lois at 815-288-1905, EXT 113 or email and leave a message for more information or to request a registration form. Forms will be mailed or emailed as requested.

All craft and activity supplies for camp will be available for pick up at Nash on Thursday, July 9 and Friday, July 10 between the hours of 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM. Participants will need to have their own scissors, glue, scotch tape and markers.

Monday, 13th NATURE FUN offered by Oregon Park District

Participants will enjoy a little Garden Yoga (wear comfortable clothing and learn a few basic yoga positions), Nature BINGO (card will be included in packet with rocks to use as markers), and create your own Mr. or Mrs. Grass Head (a fun craft to keep and watch the hair grow.

Tuesday, 14th STORYTIME offered by Oregon Public Library

Participants will enjoy storytime, listening to books about the library and will make their own book. Supplies will be provided.

Wednesday, 15th INSECT INVESTIGATION offered by University of Illinois Extension     

Participants will take a close look at insects and their mouth parts.  There will be hands on activities demonstrating the different kinds of mouth parts.   The session will conclude with an insect life cycle craft. Craft and activity supplies will be provided.  Participants will need glue and tape.

Thursday, 16th PAINT FOR POSITIVITY offered by Florissa’s Art Therapist.

Participants will be asked to paint an inspirational flowerpot to help improve their happiness.  The participants may paint the inspirational flowerpot, by painting words, images, designs, or solid colors.  While the flowerpots are drying, each participant will be asked paint a rock and write/paint an inspirational word on the rock.  After the participants paint their rock, they will be able to plant a flower into their flowerpot.   A discussion will follow the art activities to discuss how the participant’s flowerpot, flower, and/or rock creates inspiration and happiness for him/her.

Must Register by Tuesday, June 30, 2020. Lois Barnhart will conduct screening interviews upon receipt of registration forms.


Download NASH – Ogle County Virtual Camp here.

P: (815) 288-1905 F: (815) 288-1935 | 144 North Court, Dixon, Illinois