QuarterMania Auction to Benefit Florissa

QuarterMania Auction / Fundraiser for Florissa presented by Dixon Quarter For A Cause

Now you can use some of that spare change you got laying around and help bring about meaningful change in the lives of kids and their families!

September 4th at the Dixon Elks Lodge,1279 Franklin Grove Road, Dixon.

Doors open at 5:30 pm with food available until auction begins at 6:30 pm

If you would like to help get the word out about the QuarterMania Auction benefiting Florissa, please download the pdf version of the announcement flyer: QuaterMania Auction for Florissa.

For any questions, please call Sue Johnson (815) 994-2137.

How does a Quarter Auction work?

You start by purchasing a “Paddle” with your number. You keep these numbers the entire auction. You must have a paddle to play.

Quarters! You’ll need some quarters to play. Every item in the auction will require quarter(s) to win. Didn’t bring any? No problem, we have some available to trade in. Rolls are $10 exchange.

The Auction begins…Each item will be described by the vendor, tell the audience why this is a great item and according to the retail value, that will determine how many quarters it costs to play in the raffle for the item.

If you would like to play for that raffle item, place your quarter(s) in the bowl and RAISE your paddle(s) high. If you have more than one paddle, you can play multiple but you have to put in quarters for each paddle. (for instance, if you have 3 paddles and an item costs 1 quarter to play, you need to put in 3 quarters to play all 3 of your numbers. Or you can pick just 1 or 2 to play but only the paddle(s) you have raised can win). THE HONOR SYSTEM – please just be honest, the other people at your table know if you are putting your quarter(s) in the bowl. We cannot watch everyone. No one has fun when people cheat and this is for charity!

A number is drawn from the bucket and announced to the room. If your number is called AND you played in that raffle – yell “WINNER!!!” and you win the item!!!! If you chose to not participate for that item, yell “NO BID” and another number will be drawn. Numbers are drawn until a winning number is chosen.

P: (815) 288-1905 F: (815) 288-1935 | 144 North Court, Dixon, Illinois