Florissa Family 5K & Fun Run!

Join us April 29th at Sauk Valley Community College for the inaugural running (or walking) of the Florissa Family 5K & Fun Run. The focus of this event is to generate funds that will support the programs and services of Florissa, the children’s center in downtown Dixon that helps those with developmental, behavioral, social or emotional needs.

Funds raised through corporate sponsorships, registrations and other donations to the 5K will go back to the programs and services of Florissa. By participating in the Florissa Family 5K you will leave your impression on this center and the families served by Florissa!

FORM A TEAM….of family and friends today. When registering identify your TEAM on the registration form! A pledge form has been included for you to collect donations from persons who would love to support Florissa but who are unable to take part in the 5K. Fill out the registration brochure or register on line: www.GetMeRegistered.com/Florissa5K

TRY OUR CORPORATE CHALLENGE…which is open to businesses and organizations. Put a team of co-workers together and start training. Challenge other businesses to get involved. A minimum of 5 runners/ walkers per corporate challenge team. Use the “Team Name/ Corporate Challenge section of this registration form.

Announcements about the 5K will be made via Florissa’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/FlorissaDixon.

Also check back to the Florissa web site: www.florissacenter.org for additional updates on the 5K and Fun Run!

Florissa is a great community asset whose roots are based in a partnership between Kreider Services, KSB Hospital, Sinnissippi Centers, Lee County Health Department, Lee County Special Education Association, Ogle County Educational Cooperative and caring parents.

P: (815) 288-1905 F: (815) 288-1935 | 144 North Court, Dixon, Illinois